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Hi, I love your game and recently I did a second playthrough to meet these amazing characters again and I left with a question. Is the MC canonically bisexual in every route, like I thought on my first playthrough, or depending on the route her sexuality changes (like, being a lesbian on the girls routes and straight on the guys routes)? Thanks for your time and really excited for the full release of the sequel!


Many thanks for your interest - I'm happy to hear you liked the game and are looking forward to the sequel.  To answer your question, I didn't really have a canon sexual orientation in mind for the MC and, for the most part, I tried to keep it ambiguous enough for player's to decide for themselves. 

Once you are on a route then the game generally assumes you like the gender of that character, but I tried to leave it up to players to decide whether the MC liked that gender exclusively or not. 

I hope this answers your question and many thanks for playing

It does, thank you so much for answering