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(1 edit)

Very nice and sexy little Gayme - I just got a little flustered when I couldn't get out of the Fullscreen-Desktop Version until I had played it through. Neiger ALT-Tab, nor ALT-F4 or ALT-Q worked and since there's no menu (bar), I couldn't finish it either way (under the Windows-Emulator on Linux OS).

Would be interesting to read from other (platform) users, if they experienced the same. Since that would be a little awkward to play in a "delicate" situation then, when someone needed to "quickly hide the game" for whatever reason ;-P

P.S./Edit: Is your Programming Platform capable of creating files for Mac and Linux, too? I know some Windows-based Programming Environments for Ga(y)mes have a little problem with the "Execution Bit", that Mac and Linux use in their File Systems, but it usually can be easily fixed with a short right-click to the File Properties or with an easy Command Line Fix.