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Queering SpaceTime is a contemplative and emotional game about roleplaying dates between queer characters over space and time. I really enjoyed the well-crafted characters presented and the game’s premise of exploring queer identities over time and pushing our understanding of what is a “queer” experience.

Step 2 of the game setup reinforces the queer themes presented throughout by saying: “Embrace failure. Embrace whimsicality. Embrace doing what you want. Embrace each other.” I LOVE that.

The PDF has an attractive title logo, vibrant colors, and a welcoming and safe vibe throughout the game text. Before beginning play, the setup includes a safety check for players to check-in and make sure everyone is comfortable and ready to play. 

The core game loop is roleplaying a series of dates (or one date with a lot of scenes) between characters by drawing prompt cards and talking about their character’s response to the prompts. The prompt cards have a scene and 4 options to guide the character reactions to the scene. If you have played For the Queen or Star Crossed, you’ll feel comfortable with this game’s storytelling mechanics.

In each round, players draft character cards and keep them secret from each other. The character cards are absolutely beautiful and describe lovable, complex, and 100% queer characters representing a wide variety of queer identities and ethnicities. The character cards include 4 stats with predetermined relative values on a sliding scale: Extroversion, Height, Openness, and Buffness. I like Extroversion, Openness, and Buffness, but I don’t love having Height as a stat to base role-play off of. Each character card also has 2 Love Languages which are one of five possibilities (Touch, Time, Words, Gifts, and Actions).

After completing the second prompt card, the players will roll a d12 to determine if there is a time shift. Players will keep drawing prompt cards and roleplaying until a 1 is rolled. If a 1 is rolled, the scene fades away, time shifts, and the round is over. Players reveal their character cards to each other and have the opportunity to talk about their series of dates. Players then draw new character cards and reset the relationship in a new time and space.

This game encourages players to embrace liminality: “an in-between, transitional space that can feel lonely, nostalgic, or comforting and cathartic.” Given the amazing character descriptions on the character cards and cool prompts, there is a wide variety of role-play at your fingertips, from fun and campy, to somber and gut-wrenching. I love that the game embraces liminality since queer experiences aren’t just the joy and pain commonly portrayed in mass media. Queer experiences are everything, anything, and combinations of multiple things. Exploring the in-between space is very cool.

I also appreciate the glossary of queer terms and references. Safety and comfort are very important when roleplaying and it’s important to understand and respect the wide spectrum of queer identities, including undefined ones.

Overall, this game is very well thought out and fosters a queer and intimate experience between players. I look forward to playing this with another queer person whom I want to know a little better and use this game as a bonding experience.

Thank you so much for the thoughtful review, Max!! *clutches the kind words to my chest* I'm really glad you appreciated the themes and I hope you enjoy playing it! <3