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But then, if someone would just happen to come around and start working on a translation, you wouldn't be outright against that, would you?..

We wouldn't be opposed to it, not at all! We are always very grateful for all the kindhearted help. In fact, if someone were to do a translation we'd establish a channel of communication and send some material to help. We'd also make sure the translation goes in the official game as opposed to being something that has to be patched.

We haven't talked much about it as to not raise expectations, but there is a translation underway for Minotaur Hotel. It's helping us understand just what we need to prepare to enable translators to do it. We'll have more news about that soon.

If you or anyone you know wants to translate the game send us a heads up so we can help.


Should I make a forum post or is there anyone in particular to get in touch with?