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(10 edits)

Screw you gosh dang frog. I don't want your misery cluttering up the page with anonymous comment retractions.

Anyway, here's a summary of what my Twitch streams are about...

Just play this if you haven't done it yet, although there will be some (major?) spoilers for AEWVS (also the stream obviously contains spoilers for the fangame itself as well)

It's just some test code for some mechanics for a future fangame...there's some unique stuff in there

Aaaaaaaaaand the stream is about me doing the programming since I need to catch up (with my homework that is very unrelated...but also this is long overdue)

Also fair warning: the stream may end abruptly for any reason. Some include:

  • summoning
  • buffering
  • normal ending

If you want music during my boring-as-donkey stream, go here for a playlist of Eugenyh's AEWVS soundtracks which are definitely not copyrighted (loop and shuffle), or go here for a customised HTML playlist of every soundtrack from BBIEAL, AEWVS and ABIBAZ that existed since I last updated it, because I probably need to do that. It has copyrighted stuff in it and I didn't check to see if Vocaroo still has all of them in it