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Maybe it means your prison? The base one doesn't work for bernard since he's a boss.

I already upgraded my prison to prison (reinforced cells) but the outcome is still the same. After the battle it said you didn't have not enough lure and the dose was too weak to work on someone like Bernard.

oh how many did you use? When I fought him I used 10 and that worked.

I used 2 in my previous battle.

How do you used it? Are you used all 10 werewolf's lures in the beginning if the battle?


Finally, I defeated werewolf Bernard!!! Thank you very much for helping me 

(•̀ᴗ•́)و ̑̑

sorry I fell asleep so I couldn't respond.... But congrats on beating him! And yeah I just used the lures and healed if I was almost dead lol