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God, this game brings back so many numb memories of depression. I can't believe I actually enjoyed playing it. But I did. I really did.


There is always something cathartic in reliving those experiences or seeing yourself reflected in somebody else's work, I think. But at least they are only memories now, right? :)

Thanks a lot for giving this little, still-amateurish game of mine a chance!


Well, judging from the state of my kitchen one could think otherwise, But yes they are very distant memories now. I wish I had played this game back then. Its ultimately a very uplifting story. Mainly because it feels like sharing an authentic experience instead of telling a cautionary tale. Thanks for making it! I didn't find it amateurish at all. Well except for that utterly pointless inventory. Sorry! ;)


It's a well known fact that if you don't include an inventory and at least one random puzzle in your first adventure game, the Point & Click Police will show up at your place and take away your license. It's a mandatory rite of passage :P


Now that is P&C culture gone mad i tell you! Gone mad!