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I think this is a really good review, but I don't know what type of controller you are using because mine allows me to break and reverse just fine. I have an Xbox series X controller and the left trigger is reverse/stop and the right trigger is go. It also uses the left stick to steer and the B and A buttons to to the menus. Maybe other controllers are different though but the Xbox works fine.

so I found why the controller support didn’t fully work and it’s neither Dani’s or my fault.

I use an operating system called GNU/Linux (arch to be specific) and the unity version for linux makes some assumptions based on an older kernel (5.4) while I’m using the latest one available (5.11 now but 5.12 soon).
The problem is that those assumptions are wrong resulting in weird keybinds, this could be solved by using steam as an intermediary layer, but I will try a different driver first.

as for controller it shouldn’t really matter because I’m on Linux (and could even use a PS5 one if I wanted) but I’m using an Xbox one controller (with headphone jack) connected over USB.

again, I’m gonna look into using a different driver or intermediary layer to solve the issues with unity’s broken assumptions.