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I generally don't play demos because I've been burned before where I fall in love with games and they get abandoned, but I may just crack for Truths Untold.  It just sounds so good, plenty of choices, able to shape the MCs personality, and it has my favorite trope of all time: a childhood friend LI.  I'll definitely be keeping an eye on this at any rate!

(1 edit) (+1)

Well, we will take a “maybe” player any day! We definitely don’t have plans of abandoning the project. We’ve come too far, no turning back now 😂

But be forewarned, the childhood friend LI doesn’t really get a chance to shine till later in the story (past the demo) BUT if you do decide to “crack for us” I’d love to hear your thoughts on him, he seems to be the underdog as of now. 

Regardless if you decide to play or not, we still want to say thank you for checking out Truths Untold. We appreciate it ❤️
