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(1 edit)

I don't know of anyone, anywhere else getting this problem. I also see you are not using Windows 10. Maybe your computer doesn't meet the requirements of this game. Have you tried the game on a newer windows 10 computer? These are the minimum requirements for the game;

  • CPU: Intel Core i3-4340 or better
  • CPU SPEED: Info
  • RAM: 8 GB
  • OS: Microsoft Windows 8.1/10 (64bit)
  • VIDEO CARD: Compatible OpenGL / VRAM 1GB or better

As you can see, the game is running fine.

(3 edits)

Did you make any major hardware/software changes with your PC recently? Do you have an anti-virus such as Avast? Some anti-virus' love to attack games such as this and then quarantine the files as a false positive. So when you try and start up the game, everything that is needed in the folder was already moved/deleted by your anti-virus. Try disabling your anti-virus and then reinstalling the game.

According to the patch notes, there isn't anything new added in or removed that would have a significant effect on the game. Also trust me, people have eyes like a hawk and look out for things like a madman. If there were an issue like this on Steam or elsewhere for everyone or a majority. I'd have heard about it instantly in the discord servers.

Again and I can't stress this enough; no one but you seems to have this issue. It doesn't have anything to do with the game most likely. If this is still an issue please get back to me here.

Hi.  No, I've not made any changes to my PC.  My anti-virus is McAfee, and I already know that I have to disable its real time scanning whilst unzipping the files else McAfee identifies some files as a virus.  I have made sure that the files for this version have been unzipped properly.

I realise that I am using quite an old pc, and running Windows 7, and this is quite possibly the reason that I am having problems running this version of the game.  But it still remains that I can run v0.5.1 fine on my pc, and versions v0.4 and v0.4.2 before it.   

But what about v0.5.2? There wasn't anything added in that was game changing past v0.5.1. Everything inside is pretty much the same. Try switching your internet browser and running as Admin. I suggest firefox. This may have something to do with it. The game uses your web browser to utilize and execute certain scripts. You may also try upgrading your graphics drivers. This issue seems personal to you and no one else has again encountered this. There isn't anything that has changed in the recent versions that would cause this. But, there is definitely something that changed on your end. Please try running the game off of a different PC from a friend or relative and see if the error still occurs for you.

Unfortunately I didn't download v0.5.2, and it is no longer available to download.  I will try out your other suggestions.