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hello m8!! Sorry to bother you but i have been implementing your lights in gms2 and it is amazing btw! But i have 1 question. Where is the lights alpha set? I want to change it to a variable changeable in the object.

Hello there! Sorry I took me a long while to update this page. I have just uploaded a new version that covers everything till part 5 of my tutorial. To change the strength of the light, go to the obj_light variable definitions. You can also change each light individually in the room editor. 

thank you very much!!

This version does not work for me at all tho haha.

I have no idea what is wrong and i can not get it to work xD

The old version from tutorial 2 works fine but i can not change the alpha of the lights :-/

Somehow the alpha i set in the light color does not work in the game. any way to make this work?