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Hi, Yanonako!
Ikr?! I thought I was getting married next year, but then my fiance's little sister also got proposed and there's a rule in Chinese where big brother cannot get married at the same year as his little sister, so... yeah 😂

And can you believe my mom told me that I'm not young anymore? They also said if I get too old, it'll be hard to have kids (I'm not even married yet and they're already talking about kids 😂)--but still! The nerve! I'm always 18 at heart :( 


Jokes aside, yep, the covid virus is making everything complicated. Chinese tradition is already complicated but it's making things harder x_x

If you're curious; there's this thing called 'Sangjit', it's an event where the guy will propose officially and exchange engagement rings. In the old times it might also be called 'delivering dowry/exchanging dowry' I guess? There are rules and specific items to prepare, like a mirror, jewelry, lamps that will be placed in the wedding room and has to be turned on at all times until I'm married (most of them have to be red in color), etc...

On top of that, we need to prepare the wedding reception, church blessing, invitation & souvenirs...

Well, you get the idea 😂

I also need to start exercising! My body is too weak, I'm afraid I'll faint somewhere in the middle of a ceremony ><;

Last but not least, you're welcome! I'm glad to hear you like Kahlil's fighting pose and as always, thanks for dropping by <3 ^///^
