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Bravo for your work, I use it in my engine currently ;-)

Do you ever think of adding the use of a defense (a shield or other). Do you have any idea when the swim is scheduled?

Hello M3tztl1,

Currently no idea when the swim will come. Currently i am knee-deep busy with contractwork, which will keep up for some more weeks. But will take up work here again as soon as things calm down on my end.
Added the shield to the idealist.

Hello M3tztl1,
As promised, I just added swimming animations to this assetpack. You can download v1.2 to access them.

I went just with 2 animations for now, please let me know if they work for your needs or if you need anything else. Theorethically it should be possible to use the same loop for swimming up and down - many games do it like that (I referenced Donkey Kong Country 2's system for the ones I added). You can leave me a comment here or also send me gifs / videos via the first e-mail in the readme file.
Have a great Sunday!