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(7 edits) (+4)

I like this game; the more Regency/Victorian games, the better!

My MC has a sharp tongue and lots of spirit. What society did to her was extremely unfair, (un)fortunately, she's not one to hold back from speaking her mind and putting people in their places. There shall be a reckoning for whoever started the rumor. It's scandalous and likely to land her in some hot water, but as the saying goes "I will not have the fame without the benefit." In a sense, Mrs. Harlow could almost pass as her role model.

Also, of all the ROs, Mr. Worthington is my favorite. Linfield is... well... he can take a nose dive into a ditch after what happened. Sinclair gives me bad vibes, like those guys that like to take women for a spin and then dump them when bored. (Also, not really a good idea to marry someone who is going to spend large amounts of time away.) 

Worthington is considerate, respectful and a long-time friend; a good foundation for a relationship. His origins and age put him at a disadvantage, by society's standards, but I consider him the best candidate (also because the other two aren't in a good position to begin with).


Yay, we are glad you liked it! And I enjoyed  reading how you played your MC and your thoughts on the LIs. Thanks for playing the demo. 
