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I've been silently following you through your works ever since you've released the older versions of Nusantara: Legend of the Winged Ones. To say that my heart swells with joy seeing how much you've progressed in your passion when it comes to your projects, is an understatement. I am very proud of you!! Thank you for working hard in making these projects, and I hope you'll find the process as enjoyable as much as we're enjoying the contents you're providing us. I'll be rooting for you :)

Also, I wish you and your fiance well for your wedding preparations, may everything go according to your plans and liking. I am an Asian too so to some extent, I know how extensive it is when it comes to planning for the wedding, the whole ceremony and even the reception omg haha. So again, I wish you the bestest of luck to your project and wedding preparations! Sending you a virtual hug.

(2 edits) (+1)

Thank you so much for the kind words, otomesage! QuQ
It means a lot to me that people are still waiting and supporting my work--I mean, I'm slow at programming so this weekly update is the least I can do for you >< 

And yes! There are lots to do, preparing for the wedding! It could be a bit overwhelming at times but fortunately, my mom and mother-in-law-to-be helps a lotI also need the exercise, so... so far so good x'D

Again, thank you for being understanding and I hope to see you around!
*receives the virtual hug and gives back as much--if not more >///< I love hugs*
