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FYI: I have Catalina  V. 10.15+ and was able to play the demo without any issues!

Speaking of the demo! I would've liked a few more choices, I think (Part I (or Ch. 1 or however we're labeling these lol) only had two choices, if I'm remembering correctly). Having so few choices makes it feels more visual novel than game, but the story itself is interesting enough that it mostly kept my attention and when there are choices, the options are pretty plentiful, and it seemed like toward the end of the demo, more choices were coming up, so maybe I and II were just lacking choices because they were "setting the stage" for the rest of the story.

As far as characters go, I have a soft spot for broody characters, so I was surprised to that I actually like Jori most lol. Then again, no character really seems to fit the "broody" category. But back to Jori - His personality reminds me of a puppy in a way. It's endearing. Rae herself is... interesting. Even reading her with the understanding that she's meant to be seen as a flawed character, I find her somewhat frustrating/off-putting at times, and I'm not sure if that'll ultimately end up being a problem for me. But I look forward to seeing how this continues and I really liked the art/animations.