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Man, I struggled hard to think of an idea for the theme and I am involved in research through CERN. How did I not think of this idea? Amazing concept!

Aha thats amazing! Im in my final semester of an Mphys right now which is in part where the idea came from. Please dont be too harsh on the inaccuracy of my quark mode you probably know a lot more than me! :D

(1 edit)

I'm still just a PhD student, so I'm not that high up there. I haven't looked at the accuracy of it yet, but I may have to. In my game (which sucked because it was rushed), I did try to base the enemy colors on the fundamental color charges of quarks in QCD. Warning - only take Quantum Field Theory courses if you're REALLY into the topic. It was a nightmare for me as an experimentalist. haha.

And best of luck on your studies!

Thats cool, I will check yours it that sounds like an interesting concept. Aha thank you for the advice!

Also have you considered a web version? I have a Linux machine for grad school and wouldn't be able to run your game without flipping back to my Windows machine otherwise


I will try and make a web version, unity webgl build gave me lots of errors I couldnt debug but I will have another look into it