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(1 edit) (-2)

The New Update is garbage I can't type normally anymore not a greeting section like word like "Hi" and "Hello", the update is just trash and i'm very unhappy. You made many others hate the game and Under 18 year old friends of mine said the will quit unless you fix said update, either fix the quick chat so thing are better of just do something about the quick chat because its Pure garbage

                                                                                                                    Thanks a lot,                                                                                                                                     GDMaster

I agree


same Imao

I think you can turn it off, did your parents turn it on or did the game lock it?

Nope you can't

huh, some guy did a tutorial on how to turn it off, so maybe only 18+ can do it, but how would they know if you are 18+ or not? do you have to put in your age?

yes you have to

i don't know who put a fake age but I sure would, but I suppose its too late for you now. Well, that sucks. Might as well Yeet your device.

Just put your age above 13.

I shouldn't have too though.