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Hey, thanks a lot for trying it out. About the starfield, did you copy the Globals section to the right side textarea and the mainloop section to the left side? I know It's a bit complicated, thinking about to add examples and save/load. The starfield should work. Yeah, Print, only unofficially supported, as it uses document.write() ontop of the canvas. You can also use Text(x,y,t$)

That said, I just spotted a bad bug and may upload a new version asap. In any case the project can be downloaded and may be debugged, expanded and modded by anybody. I think, most important is a stable set of simple functions, reducing javascript-typical excessive debugging time (from my POV anyway) to a minimum and allowing to actually concentrate on the game/project itself.


You are correct I did not load the code correctly! It works good and is super fast.

My first computer language was BASIC so this is a lot of fun to mess with.

Thanks again and if you decide to declare it ready/released please add me to your list to notify.  I will add you to my Follow list.

I am interested in using it to generate some simple programs in JS to use in Tuesday JS visual novel builder....



Thanks, I appreciate it a lot if people actually use it. But I doubt it will ever be finished - there's always something that can be done better. Still, given the most game-breaking bugs are fixed, it can already be used. For instance I ported my "jack Airbourne" platformer with an older version (using the blitzbasic version of the converter back then). I just uploaded a new version that hopefully fixes previous export problems.

BTW thanks a lot (!) for your Rating.