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Pretty neat stuff thus far. Agree with the other reviewers that potential is definitely there with polish. Also agree that the voice acting is probably the area in most need of attention. For me, the music transitions were far too abrupt as well - the cuts between areas were very noticeable. The level design and puzzles within were nicely done, well thought through.

One bug I encountered; upon leaving the hospital room you wake up in and heading right, there are two barred doors along the corridor, one on the left hand side and one on the right. I ran into the door on the right and phased into the empty room beyond it. I was stuck there for about 30 seconds but by persevering and running at the door again I glitched back through, hah. Just a heads up on that one there.

As I say though, potential is definitely there and I'd be looking forward to seeing how the project develops.