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Excellent protoype, rough and unpolished, that takes fairly long to play through and exposes just enough of the game's systems and story to catch one's attention – really looking forward to the full game.

I get those nostalgic janky Gothic-vibes from it. You sometimes get stuck on a tree or a rock and you slash and sorcer with arms flailing through the air, hitting nothing. The story is generic at first glance, with the order and the family, a familiar tavern, some magic unknown by the lowly common folk. But the whole picture is more than its parts. Everything put together makes you wanting to explore the world and its secrets. Although, a map would help.

PS: Why did you set up a Google Form for Feedback? That's a no-go for me and I think it will discourage people from giving you your deserved feedback.


Hey, thanks for your feedback! Then it achieved its goal of giving an impression of our vision.

Currently we have a Google Form for Feedback at the end of the demo.  Maybe we should add one to the main menu as well. We should revise the google forms again and place it better so it really stands out more. 

Very good feedback! If you have any more input, we'd love to hear it


Thanks for your answer. Maybe you could consider using something else than Google Forms for feedback. Fe. which is an ethical, free software alternative.

Ahh now i see what you mean. I agree with you. Thanks for your input!