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Stunning visuals and great sound! The concept for the jam is fine, but it would benefit if the game was a bit slower (I'm having a hard time dodging the boosters and rely on luck) and also if it didn't reward banging against the wall because it's too easy to hit it and way too rewarding, maybe the wall should make you bounce but not stop you

(1 edit)

You're probably right about boosters being too hard to dodge. It was the last thing I added and didn't have a proper amount of time to playtest and tweak it. I could probably reduce the speed slightly but would rather spread the boosters a little more so the gaps would be easier to fit into.

As for the walls, I was thinking more in the way of increasing the damage applied from the hit. I wouldn't want to drop this feature altogether, because it is the main mean of deceleration in the game ;)