Animations are something I may do in the future, but they take a LOT of time to do when drawing. Right now I would prefer to have nice still images than rushed/bad animations.
Xray/detailed shots are planned and will be in somewhat soonish. I already added some xray to the side character if you are pregnant. The cum in pussy thing I also did for the side character but it looked horrible so I removed it. I think I will keep something like that in the stats menu.
Also to answer your question below. I am working on getting the Haven release out the door and I have a solid aim at the end of the month. Once that is done I will get back to more regular (2 weeks or so) updates.
Haven can't be released in smaller batches because everything relies on everything else so just having one thing missing ends up breaking the whole mission. It is a pretty large amount of content so you at least have something nice to look forward to ;)