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(1 edit) (+2)

There's a mystery created by the anticipation that surely "something must happen at some point". Then you start playing the meta headgame of "well, the pointlessness may be the point," and then second guessing that, and so on.  And then you go insane, as the sun beats down mercilessly on your dehydrated soul.  And then you know truly what it is like to Die In The Desert. 

(Personally, I lived happily ever after in the desert on a steady diet of mangos 🥭 and water 💦. My companions were assorted scorpions, reptiles, the odd spirit, and several piles of disturbed earth. )


That’s a very nice summation of what I was trying to do. At some point I lost my nerve and made sources of water a bit more plentiful and I think the balance went too far the other way.