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I really like the use of 2.5d graphics and swapping out abilities is a cool concept which I also explored in my Roboscout game.

The game occasionally wouldn't register when I beat a level and made me do it again a few times, it feels like it only accepts abilities in a certain order which spoils the puzzle nature of the game.

Fits the theme well and the puzzle platforming is pretty good


Yeeah, unfortunately was a very rushed project, so there are some weird bugs with level transitions sometimes. >.<

But yeah, the idea was to hopefully have puzzles based around the fact you could only hold two abilities, so you'd need to make sure you retain movement while also obtaining new abilities. 

Thanks for the play!! I'll be sure to check yours out as well.

It happens with Gamejams don't stress about it.

Oh yeah, at first I didn't recognise that you could only have 2 and the order was important too. It came across as I had to figure it out to beat a level.