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This is a great game, from graphics to sound design, to the conecpt.

I do have a problem with your choice about the levels.

It is frustrating to have only one chance to make a level, and then you are thrown into another one. You can't get into a flow state and I just got sent back to the first row multiple times.

Also, waiting quite a lot of time after you finish a level or die is also preventing me from getting into the game.

I got a bug which the UI got stuck and nothing happend, had to refresh. But it didn't happen again.

Still, this was a good game. Well done!

thanks for your feedback) yes the level system went quite punishing as well as many other stuff in the game, so I agree it might had some changes, like throwing at the start of current row or even having chance to restart the level, and also yeah I might need jump into this bug as soon as the jam voting ends, thanks for letting me know!