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Hey hey! We are both so pleased to hear you are excited for the full released, hehe! (So are we!)

The full game will ABSOLUTELY we free to play, as most everything I have to offer here on (and elsewhere is!). There's only a select few things that are for sale that I have; and usually none are over $5 to download, OR are otherwise optional to view. (For example, the game is free, but you can donate to see the art PDF, soundtrack, etc but you don't miss out on anything story-wise not seeing them.)

Oh! I will say that AWOO (since I saw you mention it in another comment) will be $5 on release or something like that? I can't remember, since Ivan is the one deciding something like that-- but I know it'll be some small amount just so he can get back some on his investment~

Anyways, I'm rambling now! Tomai, the full version, will be free and fun and FULL OF LOVE and we are excited to bring it to you~

Thanks so much for your comment! You are way too kind~ <3