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the ending of the prologue was so fucking metal, felt like I was playing a Shin Megami Tensei game ๐Ÿค˜

Drax is my fav so far, I hope you push the limit of his powers on the main character....really into that. Also nice you give an option for consent too ๐Ÿ‘

I just hope we have a choice to fight back, this made me super uncomfortable but had to read it through to understand his power.

(1 edit)

Drax will definitely be a more dubious character to get involved with but to the consent comment, you have the ability to avoid most non-con stuff by just avoiding him. There's some key story moments that you can't avoid (like what leads you to wind up at The Delta Academy in the first place) but I want to make sure there's an 'out' for most things.

Thanks for the comment Hyou! :3

I understand it's a me problem but the losing control of your mind/body part triggers me and I wasn't ready for that.

But just knowing we can avoid/fight back it's enough. Bonus points if we can make him pay tho :)