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The game go with two word: Dum and copy, AND WHAT DOES WAR ATTACKS MEAN? guy should check out War Brokers.


war brokers is shit


You are shit


war brokers doesn't even make sense lmao

Well It Dose If You Broke A Rule In War Like Toxic Wepon


it does not 

stop trying to prove this shit game is better than war attack


WB have Scope WA don't 1:0, WB have shop for gun/vehicles/player skin WA don't 2:0, WB have Way More Gun/vehicles/Map 3:0, WB don't Have clan WA do 3:1, WB Great WA Suck 4:1      <<<War Broker Win>>>

active player base, not that laggy gameplay, cool guns, very cool people, a discord server, sniper does not automitically zoom in when you are trying to fire.

<<therefore, war attack wins.>>


4:2, 4:3, 4:4, 4:5, war attack is better than shitass war brokers 4:6. 

Yep war attack wins!


WA s ot lagy...yes it don't. idk why but when i join the game just stood still, and anyway WB sniper dose not auto zoom and cool gun/people and discord sever? evrygame have that. you are just scrambling.