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Aw  I wasn't able to play that well because of the screen size. But the art of the game is really pretty! Good efforts :)

(1 edit)

Maybe try fullscreen?

I'll look if I can edit the settings of the page.


Ah there thank you! Game's quite fun messing with the human. Great work!

I have 2 challenges for you.

1: Complete all levels with 0 Points (This one I know is possible)

2: Try stacking the to the top with the trashcans (This one I don't know if it'is possible)

You could also just try stacking a bunch of trashcans and see how far you come. (Level 3 is the best level for that)


I only won the first one with 0 points haha


Tip: Use multiple towers so you can get on the highest tower. And get some more time by stoping the human occasionally (Q).


I'm planing to keep developing.

My plans are:

  1. A second gamemode, where you have to stack yourself up with a bunch of trashcans
  2. A saving system so you can save your progress. (I'd like to keep the perma death feature)