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Thank you for playing!! I'll be sure to check out your game when I can.

As for the visuals, yes! I have been playing Baba is You recently and I thought the visual style would work for this game. I also was interested in recreating the "jiggle" effect with the text. I'm glad you liked the visuals and music; that was a strong focus when developing this game.

With the inevitable deaths, yeah; I can see why it would be frustrating. For instance, level 5: it seems like you have to wait to jump at the top of the platform to reach the diamond, but there are spikes at the top that kill you. This what meant to further enforce the Failure is Progress theme and keep things unpredictable. I should have awarded players who were observant and who noticed that the diamond was, for example, lower--so you don't stay on the platform--rather than punish everyone. Another problem that contributes to this issue is that I only had two playtesters--one my friend, and the other my brother, who was not interested in playing my game at all. This game would have benefitted from more feedback during development.

Yeah playtesting is difficult in jams. We had the same thing ;)