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Hi! I seem to have the record in "Lost in Space" for now, I've skipped trough your playlist and nobody had the record above 0.5 light years. I have 0.586, watch if you don't believe me. If you do, watch anyway ;-P.

This game is clearly one of my favorites now. It's just the way I like it - minimalistic style, great music, etc.

However there are two things I'm not as confortable with. First, the sudden change of gameplay - once you're at ~0.35+ you're forced to change your style of playing from dodging to considering whether and where you shoot or tank damage thoughtfully.

Second, I have real doubts that it is possible for a human being to beat 1 light year without really lucky RNG, here's why:

The time a human brain requires to convert the eye's signal to the actual image is 0.100 s. I've seen this confirmed in multiple sources, e.g. in the NatGeo's show "Brain Games". Audio signals are processed without a noticeable delay. You may try it yourself - just make a 30 fps video project, and cut some stuff exactly to the beat, watch the result and then move the audio 0.1s into the past. Watch the second result and you'll surely notice the difference.

The average react speed (Seeing a visual impulse, usually a color change, and clicking as fast as you can) is stated (different sources state differently) around 0.225s and that's just one simple reaction you're waiting to do. I can easily imagine that it takes about 0.3s to 0.4s to partially/fully analyze the patterns coming in "Lost in Space" and react to them.

That's the only part of gameplay I don't like in this game (as well as in any other game ever) because the difficulty is increased not by making the technical challenge harder but just making it go faster instead. Ok, well, your game does both which is making things even worse.

What I'm saying is, that I spent hours to get a better high score and there have been plenty of moments when I was doing good,almost beating my high score, 80%-100% energy and then a bunch of asteroids came at a speed I never could realize fast enough and it just insta-killed me.

This sort of things tend to frustrate players making them go to the game's page and writing terrabytes of plain text data complaining about this one tiny detail nobody actually cares about.


I am not saying that the speed should be constant, it's good if it changes after the beginning, I just don't like impossible speeds that much.

I hope you may reconsider your game's machanics based on this comment and that It didn't bother you too much reading this whole thing that's almost as long as this game.

Mr. Heating

I added your video to the playlist.

Thank you for your comment. I agree with what you said. The speed must be topped. My idea is to create new obstacles for my game (not just asteroids) that will appear at some point (with different mechanics) to increase the difficulty. As long as those obstacles are not implemented, this speed mechanism make sure everyone dies at some point ^^. I will continue to develop this game in the future, but I like to work on other projects too. (And unfortunately, my spare time is limited...)

(Congratulation, I think you even beaten my own score)

Thanks and good to know. *(thumbs up)

(Unrelated to this topic, what is that theme that you use for your top bar? Looks really cool!)

what top bar ? 

Oh, wait, my fault. I've seen one of your videos where you record the whole screen and thought you were using Gnome on LInux, the top bar on your mac looks almost same. Nvm.

Ahah, I don't use a mac. I use elementaryOS with the ArcOSX theme ;)



Welp, I didn't have a chance then, did I?