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This is awesome Geoff! The Explode by Face Side is just what I needed for my Oathsworn: Into the Deepwood modelling. 

I am, however, having some weird things happen when I create Merged Pools that use Custom Number dice. I have four custom dice types, each creating a pool of N dice that is then Merged. Strange things seem to happen when I change the value of N between runs - especially if N is set to zero. The model is too complicated to describe here, but Paul Grogan describes the method here at 00:07:10


I figured out what the problem was! When the "alt-text" for a node says "do X with two inputs" it genuinely means TWO inputs, even though the UI allows you to attach any number. Once I figured that out and built a two-stage merge of my 4 pools, it all seemed to work!