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Hi Elias0012!

        Thank you so much for your message and your support but I need you to really understand the gravity of your actions. Please listen well!

You think that your comment doesn't mean much but this is far from the truth. The time that you took to write your comment, and the comment itself means the world to me. Just because I have received support before, does not take away from or belittle the power of yours.  I am currently quite ill and am working my hardest each day to get a little bit more of Quantum Suicide done. Your comment changed my day and my mental state and I can't thank you enough. I was allowing being sick to get on top of me, but with your one comment I am renewed in spirit!

I am the luckiest developer in the world to have the community and support that I do. Please don't ever feel that your words fall short on others, and if they ever do, they don't deserve to have you.

<3 MoltenCherry 

Deleted 6 years ago