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I've loved every moment of this game so far! The characters are so well designed and written that they feel very dynamic and real (well as real as fantasy characters can get). I love who the story just evolves so quickly with each of the main characters clashing and crossing over frequently enough to be exciting but still getting their own one-on-one time to deepen their connections with the world, the past, and the protagonist. I also love the quality of life features included as well such as the signals screen and event tracker which can give you hints on what to do next (definitely saves me time looking up walkthroughs that I've had to do for other openworld-ish games). And I'm very excited to see more updates of this game; the previews of upcoming features have me very interested.

I've also loved the music selection so much that I've been trawling the web for them so I can listen to them outside of the game. And I've managed to find almost all of them that are listed in the credits. The only one I'm missing is "Persian Violin Beat" which I think is the one played in Cleos's room. So if anyone reading this has any idea where I could get it, please reply.

On last thing, to the developer Zimon, a part from thanking you for all the hard work that you've evidently put into this, I would like to point out that a blank name is allowed and really confused me initially. (I usually like to leave those kinds of type-your-name-here prompts blank in the hope that a default name is set so the creator gets to name the protagonist.)