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Wow, big undertaking as a second game for a game jam! Also great questions on your game page. Right now, I think focusing on player feedback and controls could make a big difference. Like, right now, there's not a big feeling of "Woo! I did it!" or "Dang! so close!" when finishing up a patient (could potentially have a few different "failure" screens like if you put in one too few hearts or something, maybe there's a mini animation of them walking then collapsing).  As-is, I'm not 100% sure if I did get any of the patients right after playing through.

The drag and drop of the organs was also a bit touchy at times, and even something simple like making the organs on the ground react to being moused over would help a lot in knowing where the hit box really is for the organs. You could have a lot of fun here with sound effects like mushy organs squishing. Also, if you are going to have different tools bound to different keys, good rule of thumb is to also have a way to click on the tools in the UI, or at least have them labeled.

For the lounge area, I also found it a bit tricky to read, and think you should focus on the surgery gameplay, maybe even having something like a timer so there's some sense of urgency to finish the surgery faster.

But all in all good job, and I'd encourage you to take it farther!