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Very nice! Interesting puzzle mechanic and very polished graphics and audio.

It was starting to feel like the solutions to the last few puzzles were getting a bit similar, but then purple got me pretty stumped for a while. I noticed that sometimes it doesn't seem to update quite right (usually fixing itself after a couple piece placements) and I accidentally ended up with this kind of broken solution to Orange: 

(1 edit)

Thanks for the feedback Norgg :)
I think the bug you encountered is like the one I mention on the download page which unfortunately I didn't manage to fix before the deadline. It happens when you point two beams at the same thing, and then when you move one it can 'turn off' the piece that is still being hit by another beam. Should be easy to fix though, just by moving the buggy one to another square on the board, then back again. It happens most with the teleporters since you can position them anywhere and rotate them any which way. Maybe I'll have them in a fixed position to avoid that in a future version.