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(1 edit) (+1)

Oh my... this is basically a love letter, what a beautiful game :')

I (heart) it so much, I think its already one of my favs (inside and outside the jam) Its so emotional, the way you managed to write the narrative is gorgeous, and the music makes my heart feel so warm <3  

You both made me remember that games are more than just moving a character around, they are about what the whole experience means for the user, just like every other art form <3 

I just cant express how perfect and beautiful this game is, thank you so mcuh for making it <3


Aww this is such a kind comment! We smiled from reading this one. :)

A love letter indeed! And I'm so happy to hear that this game was a great experience for you and touched you, that's probably the best thing any creator can hear! In the end, we wanted to do that through combining our story & gameplay, and I'm glad you were positively moved by it. :)

And I hope you continue growing and developing your game as well! It's always nice to know there's awesome people out there like you within our community. <3