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Thank you for the let's play and the comment! :)

The game is indeed inspired by subnautica, among other games. The terraforming is not yet implemented, you saw everything the alpha had to offer :D

Dont bother updating the trailer, but feel free to upload another let's play when the beta or full version will be available :)

Lot's of good ideas & comments in there, I'll keep track of it!

(1 edit)

Do you plan to implement wild life too? :)

And what other games did you draw inspiration from? I would like to see if I could recognize some of the features from these games.


For now, there is no plan on implementing wild life. If the game is well receive on launch, maybe I'll add this kind of features.

Other inspirations are games like "Planet Base", "The forest", The long Dark", or the board game "Terraforming Mars".