Partially. All of the models are in FBX format and the original Blender file is included. However, as the description says, I use triplanar and other shaders for terrain and water. Also, AssetForge currently ignores all uvmapping and just generates it's own, which means you would have to stick with solid color shading which should work for almost all models. Lastly, AssetForge is really meant for putting blocks together to make other objects. Kenney has made it very clear that it's not intended for assembling major scenes.
If you are using Unity, you can use the Modular Asset Staging Tool (MAST) that I mentioned in the description. It's completely free. A full Unity package is included in Modular Terrain 2.0 with everything already in prefabs, tons of more advanced assemblies of the models, and 3 sample scenes. Also, the prefabs have MAST scripts attached that will tell MAST how to handle them (i.e. Randomizations that swap out trees/rocks/etc, rotate, flip, and scale them, without deforming them badly, Raycasts that make sure props are placed flush to the terrain, and specifications that tell MAST how the should rotate and be placed to fit perfectly.) A lot of work was put into making this kit easy to put together. I even added colors to the parts of the models that won't be visible, to show what should match with what.
I know this answer was much more than you asked about, but I wanted to leave this information up for anyone else who may have a question about these other things.