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(1 edit) (+1)

Very refined concept. I found many levels frustrating though. On one of the scrolling levels I couldn't see the spikes down where I have to move to.

Very nice music, visuals and general aesthetic.

The jump sounds blends a bit too much with music for me. I think it makes for reduced feedback.

The fact that you keep the double jumps death is easy to miss. (I know the flower is supposed to lead the player to that conclusion, but if the player tries to jump when catching it, he'll miss it).

I liked the credits screen.


I 100% agree with everything you said.

The spikes level is my least favorite, I just need to delete the spikes from there..

I know that it's easy to miss, but you can't procede without it so I figured it's okay to give the player a bit of room to figure it out himself.  I will definetly try and make a better introduction to it tho.

Thank you !

Great! I Look forward to playing your next project!

Don't forget to have look at my game as well :)