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Wow, what a cute game, I really enjoyed it! Excellent design all around, calling back to previous solutions to help guide the player in later puzzles was very clever. I never felt like I was being handheld, figuring out the puzzles was very intuitive. The art and audio are also very lovely :).

My only complaint would be what others have mentioned on the movement. It's not a dealbreaker by any means, and this game is very well designed in every other aspect. It just felt like I was pressing buttons way more than I needed to and made my hand a bit tired.

What a great entry, I hope you work on it more after the jam!

(1 edit) (+1)

Thanks so much for playing!! I'm glad you enjoyed the puzzles and the hand-drawn art + composed music :)

I totally agree with you on the movement -- we had solutions to improve it but ran out of time unfortunately :( Its' on our checklist for future versions.

I hope you continue developing your amazing game too!! <3


I look forward to seeing what you all do with it! And thanks for the compliment :)