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Very interesting concept, I had no idea what I was doing or why, but I liked watching all of the dots move around xD the screenshot showed green bars, but I didn't see any when I played (loaded, played and reloaded 3 times just to be sure it wasn't a faulty load), but I totally get not having quite enough time lol we had the same issue. One other minor thing, which kind of ties into the green bars, this is a really cool start for a game which I think I'd play a lot - kind of like My Colony - but it definitely needs more UI. I kept forgetting which numbers corresponded to which buildings and had like 10 extra museums sitting off to the side lol. Great work, all in all!


Thanks for playing!

I should have made more specific instructions, but I was up against the clock. If you click on a dot, the bars appear and show their need levels that determine where they go


Oh!! Very cool :D I will play again and update my rating!
