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Hello! To start thanks for creating such a amazing asset pack, though I'm having several issues with tiles lining up properly/looking proper in RPG Maker MZ. Not everything does it but a few do. 

Most notably so far is the custom kitchen sink tiles. 

I'm not really sure how to get it to look right, I've tried quite a few things including which layer I put them on. Any help is appreciated ^^.

Hi mitchs, some of the stuff might not look to right in the RPG Maker versions cause the whole asset is not designed to only have 3 layers. If you find some really weird stuff, please let me know and I'll try to bypass the layer limitation!
For the kitchen stuff, many of them need to be placed on a kitchen shelf, there are several to choose from :)

Oooh. I see. Thanks for the quick response! I'll definitely let you know if I come across anything too odd.