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I can countinue the POV by myself then.

???:the same cat walks up to you but completely drunk 

y/n: damn you good dear?

???: just a bit drunk nyao..~

I then ask if they know anyone in the party

???: no I-I don’t~ * she meows*

I then ask where they live so I can get them a cab home and a bottle of water to sober up a bit

???: hmm~ I- I can walk home nyao!~

Me: no. Not while you're this drunk. And you could pass out half way. You've had one billion too many drinks. *I grab a bottle from a table* ok. Lean on the counter for a second. *I open the bottle and force some down your throat* that should help. Now what's your address. I promise I won't remember it.

???: mm.. *she gives you the address *

Me: *takes you outside* TAXI! *boom a taxi* take this drunk cat girl to this adress please. *puts you in the car*

???: thanks~