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This was a pretty good game! The art is simple but works to make the game feel satisfying. The music is really good as well! I like the varied amount of enemies that i saw. I also didn't quite get why i needed to only control one character when i could just move them both together and play like that. The only thing i wish this game had was a high-score system. Would be really amazing if you checked out my game as well homie lol

Thanks a lot for checking out Twin Ship Shooter, and especially for leaving such a detailed response :)

We're glad you liked it. A high-score or point system would actually be an interesting idea. For the movement: As the levels progresses the level design gets more and more tricky and makes you consider how to effectively position your ships next to each other. This gets especially important for the final boss.

Anyways, thanks for taking the time to leave such a detailed comment. I'll give your game a go and comment on your submission page when I'm done.


Thanks man!