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But I guess the more important thing is that the Traits are defined in detail on Page 7 during Character Creation, mentioned in slightly different detail on Page 12 for the Solo roll, and then only referred to on page 15 for the Build-Up roll.

I feel like there's consistency missing there, and instead of adding more text to page 15, I think it would be better to have Page 12 refer to Traits in the same fashion as page 15 while having them completely defined on page 7. This way, players only have one page to go looking for when we can't quite remember what the Traits cover.

(1 edit)

I would still say that threatening someone with turning them in would be +Hard. “Do this or else something I’ll make something bad happen to you” has the finesse of a sledgehammer.

The Traits are more like Approaches in Fate, as opposed to abilities in D&D. Hard can be social, emotional, or physical. You can even be a +Hard hacker, who uses brute force tactics to break through firewalls and password protections.

ETA: It's also totally fine to play a little loose with the Traits. If someone has a good argument for why they want to use +Smooth instead of +Sharp for a particular action, I say let them. It won't hurt anybody.

Ah! Yes, I do like FAE's Approaches approach. I hadn't considered that SBB's Traits were to be handled that way; they don't read that way to me. Now I'm thinking that the descriptors and examples in the SBB rules are TOO specific. :)


lol it's certainly a fine line. I appreciate you unpacking it to the extent you have :)