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Thank you for your message. I want to make English version, but it requires a lot of work. So I don't have that plan at the moment.

Thanks for responding, and sorry to hear that. I hope someday I can understand what they were saying, because the extra stages were very cute. and I especially loved the dog, and the ending. 


How do you unlock the 21 levels? I've gotten 4 from stage 1, 4 from stage 2, 4 from stage 3, 3 from the December 11, and Prologue, and Epilogue. That's only 17. I've gotten the rabbit ending, and if you're counting those, that only equals to 19 at most.

Sorry for the late reply. If you saw the rabbit ending then you have completed all stages. The total number of normal stages and the rabbit marked stages should be 21 levels.

Ah, that makes more sense. Honestly one of my favorite games!

Thank you!