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Day 5

I 3d modelled a bunch of furniture for the game today using Maya. Halfway, I realised that I was modelling objects from my room, which makes sense given that my room is very much "my" space.

I've had a question that's been on my mind since the beginning: what colour do I make the walls and furniture initially? Some flags have white and black in them so it can't be either of those. 

With the revelation that I am creating a game set in an approximation of my room, I elected to have the initial colours be similar the colours my room is in.

I'm happy to say that this leaves me very close to finishing my game! I just need to make a main menu, add sounds (or rather, one sound, the colour "shooting") and add a tutorial.

Usually I am not a fan of blatant tutorials that tell you what buttons to press. However, I realised that a tutorial would be a good way to frame the game in terms of queer identity. By telling the player how they can change between flags, I am telling them to find their identity, and the flag/label that they feel comfortable with. By then telling them they can change the colour of things to the colour of their chosen flag(s), I am therefore telling them how they can express their queerness upon the world.