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Hello sir, gotta say nice toolkit you have there. But too much effects, while playing it was really hard to see anything. you need a vsync support for sure, my gpu vent crazy on this one. (240hz monitor)
Head bobbing is also not great, causes motion sickness fast, i understand that i had to do some kind of puzzle that i didn't understand at all.
I would have wished to see the AI system, but the only thing blocking me was the puzzle, if anyone is going to add in puzzles for the game they need to be easy when starting the game, and also you should add objectives, because i have no idea what was my purpose in there.

Overall if you reduce the effects, and disable headbobbing its quite nice start for something, overall eniviroment is quite nice but cant see much because of too much post proccessing.

But i see that this project is abandened, dont know why these things happen.